Let’s clean out those closets!
Remember, this is technically a 2-day event. 1 day for drop off, and 1 day for shopping.
WHAT is it?
A makers swap party. A Swarty. Frockswap. Bring me-made garments that no longer fit, bring you joy, fit your aesthetic… and swap with other makers for new ones! Think like the 90s naked lady parties but without the old gender rules and with only me-mades. Knitted, crocheted, sewn, etc.
We have drinks, we have GF, Vegan, and regular-schmegular snacks. We have a DJ. You try on clothes in your size range, talk to folks next to you, bond over shopping together, and find new sew squad folks.
WHEN is it?
Sunday, February 23, 2024
1:00-3:00 PM
WHERE is it?
Coolhand Studio
2034 SE 6th Ave; PDX
HOW does it work?
Saturday, February 22th, Drop off your TAGGED items (Printable Tags here) at:
Josephine’s Dry Goods; 2609 SE Clinton, PDX; 11AM-6PM
Bolt Fabric Boutique; 2904 NE Alberta, PDX; 11AM-6PM
ON Sunday, February 23rd, come to the Coolhand Studio and go shopping!
Rose Haven Drive:
AT THE SWAP (not before), bring Black folks shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wipes, or body wash for Rose Haven. The Shea Moisture and Cantu brands have been requested and can be found at Walgreens, Target, Fred Meyer, Amazon, and most local grocery stores.

- Tickets are non-refundable. BUY THE TICKET AND PRINT THE TAGS.
- Bring CLEAN me-made garments to the drop-off locations.
- Garments MUST be in good repair. Patagonia’s used store Worn Wear has excellent examples of what is Good. Please refer to Worn Wear when in doubt. No missing zippers or holes, etc.
- No limits both ways. That means bring and take as you like. While we will donate the as much as possible to Rose Haven, this is a for makers, by makers event. We know how precious makes are and we all want our items to go to good homes.
- USE the tags provided with your ticket. You will be given a PDF to print, cut, and safety pin SIZE and other info to the LEFT shoulder of each item. SIZE is most important.
- WEAR snug leggings or bike shorts, snug tank tops, and slip-on shoes. This is not our usual fashion, cocktail hour. You may have attended “naked lady parties” in the before times, it is like that (google it with safe search on.) You are expected to strip down and try clothes on.
- It will be crowded. We are a community and remember to love each other and be kind.
- NO PERSONAL PHOTOS. Folks are expected to be getting down to their skivvies, if you must selfie, check with those around you. I don’t want to see anyone’s booty on Instagram.
- By purchasing a ticket, you agree to be comfortable with all genders, gender expressions, sexual orientations, body sizes/shapes/abilities, races, religions, etc. If not, this event is not for you. This is a place of love and trust. No exceptions.
- COVID, RSV, Flu, Monkey Pox, etc.: By purchasing a ticket, you agree to take all responsibility for your own health. We will be following Multnomah County mandates. If they change, we change.
- BRING A SHOPPING BAG OR TWO. Minimalize personal items so nothing gets lost – wear a fanny pack.
- UFO/WIP Table: use a garment tag and label clearly what it is, what size, and what is missing.
- Abandoned Yardage and/or Yarn must be CLEAN and 1 YARD/SKEIN MINIMUM.
Beverages and snacks will be provided.
From Belgium, the Swedish International DJ, DJ S’mints will be dropping your favorite shopping ambiance in the background.
We won’t be doing nametags because with trying on clothes, you can imagine that would be a mess, but you’ll have endless excuses to engage with the person next to you PLUS this is why we put our info on the tags! This is to be fun, ridiculous, exciting, and AN EXPERIENCE. We want you to enjoy yourself. The space does get loud and crowded, but that’s the joy. Seating will be limited – wear comfortable slip-on shoes. Leave and go to a Happy Hour or Dinner nearby with your new friends. THIS IS A SOCIAL PROMPT. This is literally an excuse to talk to strangers. It doesn’t get easier than this.
Why does a swap cost money? I bring snacks and beverages, racks, a DJ, insurance for the space, etc. We do a full set up so you can “shop” and socialize. This isn’t a regular swap.
We can’t wait to see you!! xoxox – Becky, Bini & The Sew Squad Crew