
  • 3rd Annual Frockswap

    3rd Annual Frockswap

    Let’s clean out those closets! Remember, this is technically a 2-day event. 1 day for drop off, and 1 day for shopping. WHAT is it?A makers swap party. A Swarty. Frockswap. Bring me-made garments that no longer fit, bring you joy, fit your aesthetic… and swap with other makers for new ones! Think like the…

  • We Went to Maryhill Museum!

    We Went to Maryhill Museum!

    It has been just over 3 weeks since we went to the Maryhill Museum and I’m still all a-buzz from the wonder of it all. First and foremost, to our attendees: THANK YOU. Again, thank you. I love making events, but you may have noticed, I find the “cocktail party” to be a tired and failed format…

  • Frocktails Goes to Maryhill

    Frocktails Goes to Maryhill

    SWANKY TOUR OF MARYHILL MUSEUM June 2, 2024, Sunday; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM TICKETS HERE SWANKY TOUR OF MARYHILL MUSEUM June 2, 2024, Sunday; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Dress up in your favorite Museum-going frock or suit. We’re going fancy! Arrive at Columbia Park (North Woolsey & N Winchell, North Portland) at 8:10 AM. We leave North…