3rd Annual Frockswap
Let’s clean out those closets! Remember, this is technically a 2-day event. 1 day for drop off, and 1 day for shopping. WHAT is it?A makers swap party. A Swarty. Frockswap. Bring me-made garments that no longer fit, bring you joy, fit your aesthetic… and swap with other makers for new ones! Think like the…
We Went to Maryhill Museum!
It has been just over 3 weeks since we went to the Maryhill Museum and I’m still all a-buzz from the wonder of it all. First and foremost, to our attendees: THANK YOU. Again, thank you. I love making events, but you may have noticed, I find the “cocktail party” to be a tired and failed format…
Frocktails Goes to Maryhill
SWANKY TOUR OF MARYHILL MUSEUM June 2, 2024, Sunday; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM TICKETS HERE SWANKY TOUR OF MARYHILL MUSEUM June 2, 2024, Sunday; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Dress up in your favorite Museum-going frock or suit. We’re going fancy! Arrive at Columbia Park (North Woolsey & N Winchell, North Portland) at 8:10 AM. We leave North…