Author: Becky Johnson

  • 3rd Annual Frockswap

    3rd Annual Frockswap

    Let’s clean out those closets!

    Remember, this is technically a 2-day event. 1 day for drop off, and 1 day for shopping.

    WHAT is it?
    A makers swap party. A Swarty. Frockswap. Bring me-made garments that no longer fit, bring you joy, fit your aesthetic… and swap with other makers for new ones! Think like the 90s naked lady parties but without the old gender rules and with only me-mades. Knitted, crocheted, sewn, etc.

    We have drinks, we have GF, Vegan, and regular-schmegular snacks. We have a DJ. You try on clothes in your size range, talk to folks next to you, bond over shopping together, and find new sew squad folks.

    WHEN is it?
    Sunday, February 23, 2024

    1:00-3:00 PM

    WHERE is it?

    Coolhand Studio
    2034 SE 6th Ave; PDX

    HOW does it work?

    Saturday, February 22th, Drop off your TAGGED items (Printable Tags here) at:

    Josephine’s Dry Goods; 2609 SE Clinton, PDX; 11AM-6PM


    Bolt Fabric Boutique; 2904 NE Alberta, PDX; 11AM-6PM

    ON Sunday, February 23rd, come to the Coolhand Studio and go shopping!

    Rose Haven Drive:

    AT THE SWAP (not before), bring Black folks shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wipes, or body wash for Rose Haven. The Shea Moisture and Cantu brands have been requested and can be found at Walgreens, Target, Fred Meyer, Amazon, and most local grocery stores.

    supply drive



    1. Tickets are non-refundable. BUY THE TICKET AND PRINT THE TAGS.
    2. Bring CLEAN me-made garments to the drop-off locations.
    3. Garments MUST be in good repair. Patagonia’s used store Worn Wear has excellent examples of what is Good. Please refer to Worn Wear when in doubt. No missing zippers or holes, etc.
    4. No limits both ways. That means bring and take as you like. While we will donate the as much as possible to Rose Haven, this is a for makers, by makers event. We know how precious makes are and we all want our items to go to good homes.
    5. USE the tags provided with your ticket. You will be given a PDF to print, cut, and safety pin SIZE and other info to the LEFT shoulder of each item. SIZE is most important.
    6. WEAR snug leggings or bike shorts, snug tank tops, and slip-on shoes. This is not our usual fashion, cocktail hour. You may have attended “naked lady parties” in the before times, it is like that (google it with safe search on.) You are expected to strip down and try clothes on.
    7. It will be crowded. We are a community and remember to love each other and be kind.
    8. NO PERSONAL PHOTOS. Folks are expected to be getting down to their skivvies, if you must selfie, check with those around you. I don’t want to see anyone’s booty on Instagram.
    9. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to be comfortable with all genders, gender expressions, sexual orientations, body sizes/shapes/abilities, races, religions, etc. If not, this event is not for you. This is a place of love and trust. No exceptions.
    10. COVID, RSV, Flu, Monkey Pox, etc.: By purchasing a ticket, you agree to take all responsibility for your own health. We will be following Multnomah County mandates. If they change, we change.
    11. BRING A SHOPPING BAG OR TWO. Minimalize personal items so nothing gets lost – wear a fanny pack.
    12. UFO/WIP Table: use a garment tag and label clearly what it is, what size, and what is missing.
    13. Abandoned Yardage and/or Yarn must be CLEAN and 1 YARD/SKEIN MINIMUM.

    Beverages and snacks will be provided.

    From Belgium, the Swedish International DJ, DJ S’mints will be dropping your favorite shopping ambiance in the background.


    We won’t be doing nametags because with trying on clothes, you can imagine that would be a mess, but you’ll have endless excuses to engage with the person next to you PLUS this is why we put our info on the tags! This is to be fun, ridiculous, exciting, and AN EXPERIENCE. We want you to enjoy yourself. The space does get loud and crowded, but that’s the joy. Seating will be limited – wear comfortable slip-on shoes. Leave and go to a Happy Hour or Dinner nearby with your new friends. THIS IS A SOCIAL PROMPT. This is literally an excuse to talk to strangers. It doesn’t get easier than this.

    Why does a swap cost money? I bring snacks and beverages, racks, a DJ, insurance for the space, etc. We do a full set up so you can “shop” and socialize. This isn’t a regular swap.

    We can’t wait to see you!! xoxox – Becky, Bini & The Sew Squad Crew

  • We Went to Maryhill Museum!

    We Went to Maryhill Museum!

    It has been just over 3 weeks since we went to the Maryhill Museum and I’m still all a-buzz from the wonder of it all.

    First and foremost, to our attendees: THANK YOU. Again, thank you. I love making events, but you may have noticed, I find the “cocktail party” to be a tired and failed format for socializing. Blame my early years in marketing, going to and creating too many “networking” events, but they just aren’t fun to attend or make in my experience. They’re not memorable. Do YOU remember the last networking social happy hour at whatever hotel back room? So, when I come up with an idea like “let’s charter a bus to go out to eastern Washington” and YOU believe in me enough to jump on board, I do NOT take that for granted. Here is the HANDOUT from Steve: HANDOUT Théâtre de la Mode 2023

    Second, but no less, to our Sponsors: THANK YOU. Your trust and belief in our community and my ability to pull off an event is also not taken for granted.

    This is a symbiotic relationship.

    What does that mean? That means as makers, we need to support the companies that support us. Please spend money with our sponsors first. Their spend to help our event needs to have a return so they can survive too.

    Our sponsors for this event:

    @pdxsewingstudio – lanyards & bags
    @josephinesdrygoods – photography & bags & swag
    @lafinchfabrics_new – wine & our racial equity sponsor
    @boltfabricpdx – swag & name tags
    @daughterjudypatterns – photography
    @sewhouse7 – swag
    @portlandfashioninstitute – swag
    @seamwork – swag
    @brooklynmotif – swag
    @paradisosewingpatterns – swag
    @stitchwellandprosper – swag
    @fluidplusdrape – swag
    @swedetrap – videography
    @krishnamuirhead – photography

    Notes about our sponsors:

    Our seasoned veteran sponsors: Josephine’s Dry Goods was the first sponsor Portland Frocktails ever had. Bini was in my DMs not 60 seconds after I announced the first event in 2018.

    Sewing Studio was a close 2nd (and probably has the fastest shipping times in the PNW not to mention my go-to for merino knits), and Bolt Fabric Boutique was 3rd. Have you been to Bolt lately?? That new location is TO DIE FOR. So big, such good light, AND the upstairs classroom is starting to open up!

    If it wasn’t for Seamwork using their audience clout to promote the first Frocktails, I never would have had the visibility to sell out tickets. Peggy of Sew House Seven has supported us EVERY YEAR giving us WHOLE and PRINTED patterns.

    Brooklyn Motif has been with us since they started, which I think was 2019 or 2020? Before their business even was out of the red, they were sponsoring us, I know that! But better than that, you’re supporting a woman-owned business and a sewist. Don’t get me started on SOME printing companies and their mansplaining printing to me, a 25+ year print designer, when I told them their print drivers need to be updated, ahem. Please support large format pattern printers who support us back. That one that shall not be named is not our friend and that’s all I’m going to say about that.

    Sharon Blair of Portland Fashion Institute has been our cheerleader from 2019 on including hosting BOTH Sew Many Bikes rides, many teachers and students have attended, and this year PFI loaded us up with swag.

    Now, for our Sponsor “newcomers”:

    I’m a blubbering mess. Chelsea of Daughter Judy patterns has met me once. Once. And she threw down to help pay for our professional photographer. I think we can all agree getting pro photos is really the cherry on the sundae, and Chelsea with Bini helped make it happen. I’m a bit of a pattern-math snob, and Chelsea is the real deal. Her patterns are solid, and her Substack is a STEAL. Please support Chelsea and make something! She’s got me convinced I should try knitting again

    I first met Cheryl of Paradiso Patterns in 2019 up at SewExpo in Puyallup, WA. I remember this bubbly, energetic, kind person just chatting with us like we’ve all known each other forever. And that is exactly what Cheryl is like…when you meet her, it’s like you’ve always been friends. She sent this big box of patterns for us WHILE having a family snafu (ah, sandwich generation, anyone?) Just such a huge heart. Give her a follow and some love.

    Josie of LA Finch Fabrics…Josie has never even met me IRL, she was in the middle of moving shops (again), and not only supported our event in a big way by buying ALL the wine, but she also donated her ticket for racial equity. That’s right. The Pacific Northwest is so very white…to the point we (me, I’m white, I mean me) can’t see the dang forest for the trees anymore and think it’s normal. Thanks to Josie’s generosity, we had an extra attendee make our mix so much better. Please check out her amazingly curated shop. She’s got some great swim fabric in now and I’m eyeing some rayon-linen…

    Bethany of Fluid+Drape is also new and still finding her perfect shop-situation in Eugene, Oregon, but that hasn’t stopped her from taking the fabric world by storm. I don’t know what witchcraft she has, but she actually got Fabric Godmother in GB to let her sell their custom fabric! AND have you seen Bethany’s custom block prints?!?! I just keep going back for more and you should too because she sells out like funnel cake at the fair. 2 colors of the tigers are sold out and I’m not going to say it was because of me, but I def helped.

    And last but not least, Mary, Betsy, Robert and Krishna.

    I’ve known Krishna since… 2007? 2008? He’s an incredible photographer, a huge DIYer, his mom is a sewist, he’s a cyclist (like bike-camps with the whole family!) and is just a really great human. I am forever grateful we got him during prime wedding season. Please keep him in mind if your company or family needs photos. Check out his page, bookmark it, and please give him photo credit when you share his photos of our event.

    Betsy & Mary can always be seen at Frocktails events, helping me hand out nametags, clean up after, and generally making sure I have been drinking water.

    Robert is my partner and has been at every event, helping with AV, moving chairs, DJing, bouncer (that is a funny/not funny story I’ll tell you some time), and videographer, like here’s our latest Video:

    Going back home, happy and exhausted, on our private bus.

  • Frocktails Goes to Maryhill

    Frocktails Goes to Maryhill


    June 2, 2024, Sunday; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM



    June 2, 2024, Sunday; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

    Dress up in your favorite Museum-going frock or suit. We’re going fancy!

    Arrive at Columbia Park (North Woolsey & N Winchell, North Portland) at 8:10 AM.

    We leave North Portland at 8:30 AM arriving at the Maryhill Museum after 10 AM on a private chartered bus with restroom on board.

    The museum Art Curator himself, Steve Grafe, will give a private 45-50 min lecture with research and unpublished photoof La Theatre de la Mode to the entire group in the Education Center! A special treat for us!

    UPDATED: PRIVATE lunch will be provided in the Education Center, menu below, including beverages (even beer or wine if you choose.)

    You and your sewing friends will have until 3 PM to roam through the exhibits at Maryhill Museum, taking in the Rodin, the Queen of Romania, and the many other amazing exhibits on display. Many opportunities to meet new friends and bond with old friends.

    Bus leaves Maryhill Museum at 3 PM and will arrive back in Portland approx 4:30-5 PM. Swag bags, new friends, & bonding experiences included.

    (bus pick up and drop off is tentatively set for the NW corner of Columbia Park with plenty of free street parking and on the #75 bus line.)

    Lunch options (choose upon checkout):

    Served on your choice of regular bun or Gluten Free bun, and with either baked chips or homemade potato salad. (Vegan Cream cheese available.)

    • Maryhill Veggie Sandwich – Cucumbers, Roma tomatoes, cream cheese, capers, red onions, roasted red peppers and green leaf lettuce.
    • Black Forest Ham & Cheddar Cheese Sandwich – Ham and cheddar with Sam Sauce and green leaf lettuce
    • Roasted Turkey & Provolone Sandwich – Roasted turkey and Provolone with Sam Sauce and green leaf lettuce
    • Smoked Salmon Sandwich – Locally smoked salmon with cream cheese, capers, red onions, roasted red peppers, and green leaf lettuce

    Beverage options (choose 1 at lunch on day of event):

    hot tea, fountain soft drink, hot coffee, bottled water, iced tea, flavored iced tea, lemonade, Italian soda, flavored lemonade, cold brew coffee, beer, AND bottles of wine on tables.

    Covid & other precautions:

    Frocktails follows CDC guidelines. You may choose to wear a mask or choose not to – either choice will be respected.

    From Maryhill:

    Maryhill’s guidelines are informed by CDC and Washington State Health protocols. Please read on for information about current admission procedures, operations and policies.

    • In accordance with state COVID-19 guidelines, visitors and staff are no longer required to wear masks while in the Museum. We encourage and support individuals to make masking choices that best suit them.
    • Disposable masks are available upon request and free of charge.
    • If you are not feeling well, we ask that you visit the museum on another day.
    • Respect others wearing masks